I belong to a number of professional and personal communities of practice or interest. However, this community most sustains my core and constantly feeds my inner reality. The inspiring people who I have found here, their way of "being in the world" and their stories have given me much to appreciate, admire and emulate.
Years ago I began to outline some areas I thought might be of interest to fellow seekers. Since then others have created spaces which far surpass my imagination or capacity. Some examples are:
- Sri Chinmoy's early stories. These show how Sri Chinmoy, even with a wonderful spiritual growing space in his early life still had difficulties to overcome and experiences to be absorbed. Many are available at (http://www.lifeofsrichinmoy.org/indian_years/)

- Sri Chinmoy's friends and students Stories always seem unique and full of sweetness. Some are now presented at http://www.srichinmoycentre.org/inspiration-letters
- I believe in the transformative potential of education, so it seemed sensible to have easy ways to receive meditation guides and tips. Meditation classes are presented by our New Zealand friends at (http://www.srichinmoycentre.org/nz/meditation/learn_meditation_online)
Short dynamic video from Africa, International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony Run at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6qehMiIWuY .
This includes a brief introduction from Davidson Hepburn, the President of the General Conference of UNESCO, followed by four schools visited in Zambia late last year. Dr. Hepburn, recently commented on the Run's support for the Year of Youth. "By encouraging young people to express their aspirations for harmony today, the World Harmony Run is surely building the foundation for a culture of peace tomorrow." With powerful expression these youth made that promise of harmony, peace and oneness their own..
• Dr.Hepburn of UNESCO video extract and full text message for 2011 and beyond at: https://www.worldharmonyrun.org/beyond2011/
Two of the topics I have begun to add are:
Adhiratha's seeking and awakening stories:
(First six sections are presented in rough text format - the remaining sections in outline format)
Memories of Moments with Sri Chinmoy
Here are Links to Sri Chinmoy related information that I find useful
While I ponder what I might share at this site from my inner and outer experience and travels here is a link to some of the swimming and travel

I did with some colleagues 20 years ago for the UN’s 1986 International Year.

I may also include some later traveling stories or photos. Link to one Adhiratha travel photo May 2004?

Here is one from April 2010 recent programme at the UN preview of "War against War". That is my brother George in the background. To make me feel good he somtimes pretends to be my older brother.

see also related item: Adhiratha early travels and recent World Harmony Runs

Всемирный Бег Гармонии с гордостью поддерживает Международный Год Молодёжи (АВГУСТ 2010- 2011 НАШ ГОД НАШ ГОЛОС) и Международный Год Лесов Провозглашённый Генеральной Ассамблеей Организации Объединённых Наций
The World Harmony Run proudly supports the
International Year of Youth (IYY) and the
International Year of Forests (IYF) proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.
See the recent Youtube video on African experience which illustrates IYY slogan "Our Year Our Voice" International Year of Youth - Zambia World Harmony. They surprisingly mention Presidents and UN Secretary-General in a unique way!
See also the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Centre support for IY of Forests. ... Convention for conservation of forest biodiversity. (more)

The run proudly supported the UN and UNESCO theme for 2010 "International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures"
and their efforts to demonstrate the beneficial effects of cultural diversity. This includes highlighting the importance of borrowings, transfers and exchanges between cultures.

see here for ways the IYCR has been introduced at various Harmony Run ceremonies
Report on recent event in Chicago: https://www.worldharmonyrun.org/usa/news/2010/week14/0726e/
*1-Community has been of interest to me for some time. Scott Peck wrote a book on community building and peace which I think illumined some important points on the process.
On the role of miracles in our life
A friend just remined me of an article by Rabbi Marc Gellman in Newsweek
from 20 Oct 2007. I think it has something profound to offer: "Are Miracles Real? ...Sri Chinmoy was able to lift ... thousands of people. That's why I believe faith without miracles is empty.
In case you missed it some recent reports for the Wall Street Journel:
The 2010 Self-Transcendence 3100 event was also covered ABC News. See: http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/local&id=7590568
Slowed down some outwardly in last few years.