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Sri Chinmoy's students describe their inner and outer experiences.

My 5 a.m. strategic meditations
Sanchita Fleming Ottawa, Canada
How sports and fitness became part of our spiritual life
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
The day I recieved my spiritual name
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
The most beautiful and fulfilling of all possible experiences
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
A spiritual name is the name of our soul, and what we can become
Nayak Polissar Seattle, United States
The day I saw my Guru for the first time
Natabara Rollosson New York, United States
The day my Guru accepted me as his disciple
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
'Christ has stolen her heart and brought it now to me'
Dodula and Gunthita Zurich, Switzerland
The connection between Sri Chinmoy's music and my soul
Kamalakanta Nieves New York, United States
Praying for God’s Grace to Descend
Sweta Pradhan Kathmandu, Nepal
Spiritual Friends
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New ZealandSuggested videos
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Siblings on a spiritual path
Pranlobha Kalagian Seattle, United States
My daily spiritual practises
Muslim Badami Auckland, New Zealand
Meditation: you make progress just by doing it
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
What is it like on the Peace Run?
Nikolaus Drekonja San Diego, United States
Sri Chinmoy's inner guidance
Kailash Beyer Zurich, Switzerland
How Sri Chinmoy appreciated enthusiasm
Prachar Stegemann Canberra, Australia